Biglou Reviews "JUST go with it"... Starring everyone's favorite Adam Sandler, and Everyone'e no so Favorite...
Cha Ching, for Adam Sandler... just another 20 mil day, for mr. sandler....but what is that saying...That Grownups movie made like 200 million, and it was horrible...
Biglou already saw JUST GO WITH IT, and he says JUST STAY AWAY FROM IT...... Biglou went to the movie theatre at 7am to watch this goolosh.... Biglou is tired.... Pulled an allniter....gotta get some some rest...
Lets see. here is the jist of the movie... Adam Sandler likes some pretty girl , not Jennnifer Aniston. But in the End he ends up with Jennifer Aniston... Duh... But watch all the funny stuff that happens in between... Not a lot of funny stuff happening in between....
When are we gonna stop feeling sorry for Jennifer Aniston... Biglou not feeling sorry for her... Every movie she makes is horrible... but every six months .... Poof... there she is another movie.... Why ???? Big Lou don't know...... Do people go to the movies to see Jennifer Aniston.... Biglou don't think so...They should make a Friends reunion movie for her next... Biglou don't watch that crap either... Biglou never was a fan ov Friends... They should do a "E" True Hollywood, on Whatever ever happened to the people of Friends... What...
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