There are a lot of "good" Mark Wahlberg movies of all time... Uh......he was in that remake Planet of the Apes... he was in the DeParted... .. He was in that movie " the Shooter" .. that was pretty good... Biglou can't remember all of them.. OH wait a minute, since Biglou is at the SuperBowl, talking football, one of Mark Wahlberg great movie performances 'Invinsiible" when he was on the Philadelphia Eagles football team as a "walkon:".. that was a pretty good Mark Wahlberg movie... .. Except for that guy who played Dick Vermiel... Biglou does not like that guy....
But the greatest Mark Wahlberg movie of all time ??? ???? Is it " The Figher" or is it "the Other Guys"... Now anyone with half a brain is gonna say " The Fighter"" But Biglou is different.... Biglou don't have Half a brain... Biglou pick for the greatest Markie Wahlberg movie of all time is "The Other Guys"////

(((((That is a picture of Amy Adams over there.... and Biglou just looked up some of the movies she has been in... amazing .... She was in Junebug... Biglou did not know that... She was in one of Biglou's favorites "Catch me if you Can".... Biglou remembers her now... She was in Night at Museum, Part 2..... She was in Julia and Juliea,,,.. Biglou saw that and he had no idea it wa sAmy Adams... Huh))))))
The "Other guys" could be the funniest movie of 2011........ The question is ... Is the movie funny because of Markie Wahlberg or is it funny because of Will Farrell......??????????? Biglou is gonna say its a tossup...... Many funny parts...... Biglou likes the Rock and Samuel L. Jackson Parts.... Biglou thinks the parts with Eva Mendez and Will Farrelll and markie Wahlberg eating dinner is quite hilarious..... Biglou also like the part when Will Farrell smacks Markie walhberg in the face with his fake gun...

Biglou watching the Miami Heat basketball game here in Dallas.. Those Orlando Magic are really looking good tonite.... Glad I am not a Magic Fan....
Next on Biglou Movie Reviews.... Will Farrel Best Movie and Biglou's Super Bowl Pick.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 from Dallas.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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