Monday, January 31, 2011
Biglou the Movie Reviewer and his crew are flying to Dallas
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Trivia Question??????
The 2 people shown right here are the same guy...

???? The person here played in 2 of Biglou's favorite Movies... Name the Movies... Name the Actor and the Movies???? 2 of Biglou's favorite movies... This guy recently passed away on Jan. 2, 2011.....I can't believe he was in this other movie...
???? The person here played in 2 of Biglou's favorite Movies... Name the Movies... Name the Actor and the Movies???? 2 of Biglou's favorite movies... This guy recently passed away on Jan. 2, 2011.....I can't believe he was in this other movie...
Have you ever heard of the movie Death Race 2.....
Neither has Biglou... Biglou never even heard of DEATH RACE 1... Biglou will be watching Death Race 2.. Do you think I have to see Death Race 1 to appreciate Death Race 2...
Could you have a Caddyshack 2 if you didn't have Caddyshack 1... Or a Meatballs 2 without Meatballs 1... Or Teen Wolf 2 had nothing to do With Teen Wolf 1... they actually played different sports..
Or are all the Die Hard Movies related???? What about the Rockies... Could you have Rocky 2 without Rocky 1.... or Rocky 7 without Rock 6..?????? What about the Scary Movies ???? Damian omen 3..... that is scary..

here is one.. Batman with different people playing batman.???? what is that???? Or how about the Star Warss Triology....Biglou knows people that claim STAR WARS is not the first Star Wars movie made... HUH???? confused..... Biglou knows they are>>>
Is it like, you have to see Godfather 1 to really understand Godfather part 2... Or like Back to future, when the second one is Return of Back to the Future... That gets confusing.. And then they made the 3rd Back to the Future and the went back to Cowboy days,, What was that all about.... They went from the 80's to the 50's, in the 1st , then they went to 2020's .. then they go to the 1800's ,, confused?????? Heck yeah...
Could you have a Caddyshack 2 if you didn't have Caddyshack 1... Or a Meatballs 2 without Meatballs 1... Or Teen Wolf 2 had nothing to do With Teen Wolf 1... they actually played different sports..
Or are all the Die Hard Movies related???? What about the Rockies... Could you have Rocky 2 without Rocky 1.... or Rocky 7 without Rock 6..?????? What about the Scary Movies ???? Damian omen 3..... that is scary..
here is one.. Batman with different people playing batman.???? what is that???? Or how about the Star Warss Triology....Biglou knows people that claim STAR WARS is not the first Star Wars movie made... HUH???? confused..... Biglou knows they are>>>
Saturday, January 29, 2011
biglou's movie reviews: Biglou just saw RED...
biglou's movie reviews: Biglou just saw RED...: "Not the best movie of 2011... or 2010,,, or ever... Just not much to say about it....not sure why they made this movie... and Biglou i..."
Biglou just saw RED...
Biglou just found out that RED has grossed 90 million far.... Biglou can not believe this.... Biglou guesses Bruce Willis can make any old crap and Walla.. 90 million dollars..WOW UN Believable.!!!!!1 Lots of Suckers out there.... Thank goodness for BIGLOU !!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Biglou just Saw Easy A.....
Kids in High School are Idiots.. Even the smart kids are Idiots ... They make her out to be like she is above all that high school shenanigans... but when you are in high school , you are not above all that.. You are living that... that is your world ... That is all you know.... You are in High School , you don't know anything else.. Everything is new , and everything is the first time... You have nothing to compare it too...
In Reality everyone in High School knows squat... the so callled "cool ones" pretend better than others that they know squat.. But they don't ..
Thinks about it/// ASSHOLeS... they have only been around for 16 years or 17 years.... they know as much as you... which is squat.... So you can pretend you know as much as they .. Which is NOTHING.. Neither one of you know crap
That is the moral of this MOVIE......
NO ONE IN HIGH SCHOOL KNOWS SQUAT... Write it down , Because Biglou says it.. So stop being a PUSSS, and step up to the plate...... Biglou says................
Biglou loves the movie MECHANIC..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a must SEE.. Don't miss this action packed comedy drama all rolled into one... Outstanding performances by Jason Stratham.. Donald Sutheland was fantastic in a supporting role..,
And Mini Anden was awsome...
Which Mechanic are YOU going to?????
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
not a lot of movies happening right now....Mechanic coming out Friday!!!!!!!!!1
Look at the picture to the right.. That looks real.. Crash em up movies...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Do you know what is great about Biglou????
Looks like a very "charming" movie |
WELL, Biglou is not going to tell you that the movie is a piece of crap, and not worth his time...That is what is great about Biglou...
Biglou will NOT be reviewing "The King's Speech"... Biglou reviews Movies about REAL people, with real life applications Biglou does not review King's SPeech...
Also, Biglou just looked at the list of movies nominated for an OSCAR,,, and since when did they nominate 10 movies... In Biglou's day, they nominated only 5 really good movies.. Now, all of a sudden, they are nominating TEN!!! What movie are they leaving out????????????
Monday, January 24, 2011
Biglou is looking forwarding to seeing the movie RED... starring one of his favorite Actors..
Actually, the "star" of the movie is that Bruce Willis character. But the real great actor of the movie is John Malkovich, who was also the star in the great Movie called ROUNDERS.. Biglou Recommends ROUNDERS to everyone.. ROUNDERS "stars" Matt Damon and ED Norton,... Ed Norton is great...ED Norton Played Brad Pitt in "THE FIGHT CLUB", another pretty good movie......
Matt Damon blah, blah, blah, But John Malkovich is the real star.....ROUNDER came out before all the big Poker stuff took off.... Everyone should see ROUNDERS and the Fight CLUB....
This is a great scene from the Movie Rounders... It is a great scene in any movie.... TEDDY KGB should win an academy award for this scene... "he laid down a monster' what the fock""" Mr. son of a beech"""...Check, check, check, check"......
All Biglou fans need to watch this scene over and over and over ... it never gets old....
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Mean Girls 2, Tonite on ABC Family...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Just when you thought nothing good was on TV tonite.... Mean Girls 2, the sequel, PREMIERING tonite on ABC Family Channel!!!!!!!!!!!!
"NO Strings Attached" Starring Ashton Kutcher
"No Strings Attached' starring Ashton Kutcher is the same old Ashton Kutcher Movie... When was the last GOOD Ashton Kuthcer movie.... The Next good Ashton Kutcher Movie will be his First.. Here is a montage of Ashes top ten movies.. Not one of them is worth a .......dime... He should have stayed in the 70's forever if possible.....
Here is the moral of "No Strings Attached".... Ashton and Natalie Porkman.... are "sex buddies"... Sex buddies is defined as 2 people having sex with NO emotional ties.....
This movies sounds real interesting , Biglou says sarcastically.. ....
Biglou wonders how this relationship turns out..... GUESSS... everyone please guess... What do you think happens to these "sex buddies"... Biglou Wonders.....Real Mystery here.... Save your money... cause this should be going to DVD real soon... Check your local Publix Blockbuster express in 2 weeks....
Natalie Porkman has too many movies out right now... Biglou doesn't know if he should go see her in Black Swan or No strings attached... Tough decision for Biglou..........
Natalie Porkman looks pretty good bald....She is the best looking bald chick since Sinead O'connor...
Here is the moral of "No Strings Attached".... Ashton and Natalie Porkman.... are "sex buddies"... Sex buddies is defined as 2 people having sex with NO emotional ties.....
This movies sounds real interesting , Biglou says sarcastically.. ....
Biglou wonders how this relationship turns out..... GUESSS... everyone please guess... What do you think happens to these "sex buddies"... Biglou Wonders.....Real Mystery here.... Save your money... cause this should be going to DVD real soon... Check your local Publix Blockbuster express in 2 weeks....
Sinead O'connor |
Natalie Porkman |
Natalie Porkman looks pretty good bald....She is the best looking bald chick since Sinead O'connor...
Friday, January 21, 2011
BURIED starring Ryan Reynolds, could be one of the greatest Movies ..
about being buried... BURIED, starring Ryan Reynolds could be one of the greatest movies about being buried. Or the real question is??? Is he really buried....
This movie will be nominated for a BIGLOUEE award for BEST Movie of the Year....... This is our 3rd Nominee for a BIGLOUEE..... for best Picture of the year......
.. Also, Ryan Reynolds will be nominated for a Biglouee for Best performance by an Actor in a Box or Best Actor of the year....
This movie was great..
The only problem is that it does not have a happy ending, so a lot of people may be disappointed in the ending..
.But the ending is what makes the movie so great...............
But what is the movie about ...........
The movie is about Ryan Reynolds being stuck in a box.....
The moral of the story is ... If you were stuck in a box who would you call,???, and better yet who would come get you out...???..
Who are your real Friends??? Oh, You say you have 582 friends on Facebook, but of those "582" who do you call when you are stuck in a box??? Or stuck on the side of the road at 3am..???? Or, who do you call when to get your butt out of jail card?????
Don't call Biglou.........
You say you have "582" friends, but in reality you have more like 2 that you could call and get your butt out of that "box"..................You might want to give them a call right now and say "HI".....and stop blabbing on Facebook to all those phonies........
Oh and the 2nd moral of the story is, Always have your cell phone fully charged, cause you never know when you might get stuck in a "box".....Also, Biglou recommends VERIZON Wireless because they have the best coerage area.... and you may want to be heard....4G....
This movie will be nominated for a BIGLOUEE award for BEST Movie of the Year....... This is our 3rd Nominee for a BIGLOUEE..... for best Picture of the year......
.. Also, Ryan Reynolds will be nominated for a Biglouee for Best performance by an Actor in a Box or Best Actor of the year....
This movie was great..
The only problem is that it does not have a happy ending, so a lot of people may be disappointed in the ending..
.But the ending is what makes the movie so great...............
But what is the movie about ...........
The movie is about Ryan Reynolds being stuck in a box.....
The moral of the story is ... If you were stuck in a box who would you call,???, and better yet who would come get you out...???..
Who are your real Friends??? Oh, You say you have 582 friends on Facebook, but of those "582" who do you call when you are stuck in a box??? Or stuck on the side of the road at 3am..???? Or, who do you call when to get your butt out of jail card?????
Don't call Biglou.........
You say you have "582" friends, but in reality you have more like 2 that you could call and get your butt out of that "box"..................You might want to give them a call right now and say "HI".....and stop blabbing on Facebook to all those phonies........
Oh and the 2nd moral of the story is, Always have your cell phone fully charged, cause you never know when you might get stuck in a "box".....Also, Biglou recommends VERIZON Wireless because they have the best coerage area.... and you may want to be heard....4G....
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Biglou will be reviewing BURIED, starring that upcoming star Ryan Reynolds
Biglou will be reviewing BURIED.... Acording to the DVD cover this movie is Intense, Suspenseful, Crazy good Thriller and Terrifying.... How exciting is that... Biglou can't wait.. This movie sounds fantastic....

2 of biglou's favorite scenes involve buried people... The first one was when Tim Matheson is buried alive and he somehow digs his way out.... His girlfriend or wife and her boyfriend doctor drug and thought they killed him.. They had a funeral and everything, but he somehow is really not dead... The undertaker or mortician as they like to be called, never did what they are suppose to do and they put Tim in a crate and bury him... Tim Matheson wakes up and digs his way out.... CAN you imagine.. waking up in a box ... Biglou would go crazy..
The 2nd buried person is the girl in KILL BILL, when Michael Madsen and that little guy buried Uma Thurman in a box... Could you imagine??? She was wide awake when they were shoveling the dirt on her box..... The little guy was laughing and having a beer and spittin' tobacco juice.., like it was nothing... That was a funny scene... Then Uma, lit up a lighter or something and Karate chopped her way out of the box...
Great Scene.. Biglou will see if youtube has the you can get a feel of what it is like to be buried alive....Biglou would go nuts... Biglou gets a little crazy when someone sits next to him at the movie theater...let alone get stuck in a box... Ok, Biglou found the clip, ENJOY>>>>
This is Jennifer Jason Leigh.. | She was the wife in Buried Alive.. She is great... |
Great Scene.. Biglou will see if youtube has the you can get a feel of what it is like to be buried alive....Biglou would go nuts... Biglou gets a little crazy when someone sits next to him at the movie theater...let alone get stuck in a box... Ok, Biglou found the clip, ENJOY>>>>
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
88 Minutes, starring Al Pacino is not a bad Movie.....
Biglou watched a movie he never heard of last nite. It is called 88 minutes starring Al Pacino, This may be Al's 2nd greatest role in the History of Al Pacino's acting career... All his other roles are tied for 1st... Biglou is just kidding There were some other recognizabel actors and actresses in the movie, but Biglou does not know their names.. Biglou will show you some pictures...

The Plot of the story is a lot of people get killed and someone threatens Al that he has 88 minutes to live.... Al does a whole bunch of stuff in 88 minutes.. .. Biglou would be exhausted if he did half of those things in 88 minutes.. Biglou needs a nap after getting milk at the corner store.
Also, Al makes like a hundred phone calls in this 88 minutes, and Al has an assistant that he calls to make his phone calls.. Al has so much going on, that he can't dial his own phone... Biglou recommends this movie to ALL of his Comrades.
Biglou calls Al, "AL" because Biglou and AL are tight....
Its like when Robert Deniro calls Martin Scorsecee..."Marty"..... Biglou calls Al Pacino, "AL... That is how Biglou ROLLS... Do you know what "Marty" calls Robert Deniro???....
Marty Calls Robert Deniro, Bob or Bobby.... That is how they roll.
Also, Al makes like a hundred phone calls in this 88 minutes, and Al has an assistant that he calls to make his phone calls.. Al has so much going on, that he can't dial his own phone... Biglou recommends this movie to ALL of his Comrades.
Biglou calls Al, "AL" because Biglou and AL are tight....
Its like when Robert Deniro calls Martin Scorsecee..."Marty"..... Biglou calls Al Pacino, "AL... That is how Biglou ROLLS... Do you know what "Marty" calls Robert Deniro???....
Marty Calls Robert Deniro, Bob or Bobby.... That is how they roll.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
For all you Baseball Fans out there, Biglou Recommends the Move '61
They always make movies about the Yankees.... They never make movies about the METS... Biglou has Never seen a Movie about a MET... What kind of movie can they make about a MET... The Mike Piazza Story..... What would that be like...." Hi, I'm Mike Piazza and I am not Gay"... Remember when Piazza had to tell everyone he is not gay... What is that.??? That is the Mike Piazza Story....
What do You Think???????????? |
Anyways back to that Boston Movie... The best thing about that is that Jimmy Fallon was such a big Sawx fan, that he MISSSEd the biggest game in Sawx history.... It Just goes to show what a big PUSS, WUSS, Jimmy and all those SAWX fans are..... Biglou NEVER, NEVER EVER misses a BIG Yankee game.... Biglou was at funerals,Weddings, Barmistfas, Confirmations, Holy Communions, Movie Premieres, and still saw the Yankee game...
Anyways, the Yankees are always involved in the Baseball Movie.... In "Major League" they were the team Cleveland had to beat to make the playoffs... Biglou is talking about the First "Major League"... not the second or third .....
"Love of the Game" with Kevin Costner... Who does he throw the perfect game against?????? the Yankees...
Do you see the trend here... No METS.. NO METS .... no body cares about the METS.... No MeTS...
Even if they Yankees aren't the main characters... They get put in as the team to beat..... Because if you want to be the best, You have to BEAT the BEST....
Monday, January 17, 2011
Green Hornet made 34 Million over the Weekend, The Dilemma made 18 million
Yogi Bear made 5 million.. What does that say... Biglou says Yogi Bear will outdraw Green Hornet next week.. Write it Down... wait.... Biglou already wrote it down
Here is the list for this week, Biglou will compare it to next week... GREEN Hornet will not have good word of mouth Advertising and will drop significantly.....
Biglou didn't even know Yogi Bear had a movie out this week.... Country wrong is falling like a rock... This True Grit is still doing good.... Biglou has not seen the new TRUE GRIT.. He might have to... or he might wait for the DVD at Blockbuster...
Biglou didn't even know Yogi Bear had a movie out this week.... Country wrong is falling like a rock... This True Grit is still doing good.... Biglou has not seen the new TRUE GRIT.. He might have to... or he might wait for the DVD at Blockbuster...
1 | N | The Green Hornet | Sony | $33,700,000 | - | 3,584 | - | $9,403 | $33,699,000 | $120 | 1 |
2 | N | The Dilemma | Uni. | $17,831,000 | - | 2,940 | - | $6,065 | $17,831,000 | $70 | 1 |
3 | 1 | True Grit | Par. | $10,910,000 | -25.3% | 3,459 | +335 | $3,154 | $126,122,000 | $38 | 4 |
4 | 9 | The King's Speech | Wein. | $9,170,000 | +43.0% | 1,543 | +785 | $5,943 | $44,694,000 | $15 | 8 |
5 | 5 | Black Swan | FoxS | $8,375,000 | +3.2% | 2,328 | +744 | $3,598 | $73,243,000 | $13 | 7 |
6 | 2 | Little Fockers | Uni. | $7,178,000 | -46.8% | 3,394 | -281 | $2,115 | $134,264,000 | $100 | 4 |
7 | 4 | Tron Legacy | BV | $5,675,000 | -43.8% | 2,439 | -574 | $2,327 | $156,914,000 | $170 | 5 |
8 | 8 | Yogi Bear | WB | $5,340,000 | -19.6% | 2,702 | -586 | $1,976 | $82,090,000 | $80 | 5 |
9 | 7 | The Fighter | Par. | $5,055,000 | -27.8% | 2,414 | -114 | $2,094 | $65,700,000 | $25 | 6 |
10 | 3 | Season of the Witch | Rela. | $4,510,000 | -57.5% | 2,827 | +11 | $1,595 | $18,008,000 | $40 | 2 |
11 | 10 | Tangled | BV | $3,933,000 | -23.0% | 2,048 | -335 | $1,920 | $180,961,000 | $260 | 8 |
12 | 6 | Country Strong | SGem | $3,675,000 | -49.8% | 1,424 | - | $2,581 | $13,280,000 | $15 |
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Golden Globes Awards were just on regular TV......
Why don't they just put sreenwriter, and oh I don't know, music writers in the same category.. That makes about the same sense....
Plus Biglou is sick of that Ricky Gervais...Another reason not to like the Golden Globes. People Choice Awards. 6 to one, half dozen the other.. What the difference...
Biglou Confused about The FACEBOOK, UPDATED
Biglou watched the FACEBOOK again last nite. And Biglou is still confused.
OK the one guy signed the contract and they told him he had 35% of the company, and then towards the end he comes back to California and they tell him he owns .03%... What exactly Happened????
Facebook is a Movie about Partnerships and trust. And Obviously Mark Zuckerberger is not to be trusted by anyone..
How many partnerships ever really work out. One party always feels like they are doing more and they deserve more of the PIE..
Here are some Partnerships that didn't work out too well. Tell Biglou what you think.
Sonny and Cher
Morgan, Colling and Gilbert
Fred and Barnie
Scooby Doo and Shaggy
Chico and the Man
Sanford and Son
Starsky and Hutch
Siskel and Ebert,
Abott and Costello
Martin and Lewis
Martin and Rowen
Elton John and Kiki Dee
Hall and Oates
Simon and Garfunkel
Rogers and Hamerstein
Beavis and Butthead
The Hatfields and the McCoys
Barnum and Bailey
Mork and Mindy
Laverne and Shirley
Bert and Ernie
Donnie and Marie
Bill and Ted
Obie one and Dark Vader (Biglou's Favorite)
Tony Soprano and Big Pussy
Demi Moore and Ashton Kuthcer
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis
Luke and Laura
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Jack and Diane
He screwed the 2 twins, his Best Buddie and then at the end He screwed the guy from Napster. Zuckerberger screwed everyone out of their share.. Zuckerberger USED everyone and then threw them out as soon as they were no longer needed.
Is there a Mark Zuckerberger in your life??? You know who they are???? You might be a Mark Zuckerberger yourself... You little manipulator, always scheming, big user. always looking working an angle. Never really listen to anyone, always wanting to be heard, belittle everyones opinion. You know who you are, You are a little Zuckerberger.
Facebook is a Movie about Partnerships and trust. And Obviously Mark Zuckerberger is not to be trusted by anyone..
How many partnerships ever really work out. One party always feels like they are doing more and they deserve more of the PIE..
Here are some Partnerships that didn't work out too well. Tell Biglou what you think.
Sonny and Cher
Morgan, Colling and Gilbert
Fred and Barnie
Scooby Doo and Shaggy
Chico and the Man
Sanford and Son
Starsky and Hutch
Siskel and Ebert,
Abott and Costello
Martin and Lewis
Martin and Rowen
Elton John and Kiki Dee
Hall and Oates
Simon and Garfunkel
Rogers and Hamerstein
Beavis and Butthead
The Hatfields and the McCoys
Barnum and Bailey
Mork and Mindy
Laverne and Shirley
Bert and Ernie
Donnie and Marie
Bill and Ted
Obie one and Dark Vader (Biglou's Favorite)
Tony Soprano and Big Pussy
Demi Moore and Ashton Kuthcer
Demi Moore and Bruce Willis
Luke and Laura
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Jack and Diane
He screwed the 2 twins, his Best Buddie and then at the end He screwed the guy from Napster. Zuckerberger screwed everyone out of their share.. Zuckerberger USED everyone and then threw them out as soon as they were no longer needed.
Is there a Mark Zuckerberger in your life??? You know who they are???? You might be a Mark Zuckerberger yourself... You little manipulator, always scheming, big user. always looking working an angle. Never really listen to anyone, always wanting to be heard, belittle everyones opinion. You know who you are, You are a little Zuckerberger.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Biglou interviewed many attendees on the way out, and all agreed the movie GREEN HoRNET was a big disappointment. Many moviegoers asked the management of the MoviePlex for a full REFUND..
Seth Rogan as the Green Hornet is like when Dom Deluise was Captain America in Canonball Run.
Seth Rogan is the most UNbelievable superhero in the history of SuperHeroes.. He couldn't fight, He couldn't drive, he had ZERO special powers of any sort. Why or How he could overtake the city of Los Angeles his unbelievable...At the end of the Movie he somehow figures out how to fight, how or why we don't know. He had no special training, so how did he somehow become a Martial Arts Expert... Did he become a Martial artist by watching his sidekick Kato kick everyones butt.
Why was Cameron Diaz in the movie at all.. Is she over or what?????...They could have gotten and should have gotten a new hottie to play that part.. It is not like someone said "Oh Cameron Diaz is in the New Green Hornet Movie, Lets go see it".... Her Part and her character's part were meaningless...
Biglou just wants to know how Seth Rogan became a leading man in all these movies... Biglou knows that Seth Rogan is now the Executive Producer on this Movie, so I guess that is how.. But how did he go from having a bit part in Super Bad (one of the funniest movies of the last 10 years) to making and being a lead character in a movie every 6 months or so.
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