Today's Blog by Biglou is Titled, Biglou and the Academy Awards!!!!!!!! Many of you know that Biglou was and still is an acomplished Actor, or as those on the stage like to call Biglou an acclaimed Thespian.... Biglou does not like to be called Thespian.... Biglou thinks it sounds Feminine of sorts, and Biglou is all about the machismo.....

Anyways back in his working actor days, Biglou was nominated for many Oscars.. Although Biglou feels that he was slighted on all occasions. Nonetheless Biglou does not need some organization to tell him that he is a great actor... Biglou knows that he can act with anyone.... Many of you still remember some of Biglou's great roles... Here is biglou in "The kid from Leftfield"
Back to Biglou and the Oscars... Who does Biglou like in this year's Oscars???? Good Question??? Better Question???? who, or what are nominated for this years Oscars.... Even better Question, who is not Nominated for an Oscar...,,, Since they now Nominate 10 People for all the awards... It is Harder to not get nominated, than to get nominated...
Back in Biglou's Day,, you had to be good, to get nominated.... Now all you have to do is be in a movie.... or if your name is George or Brad, or Leo, you automatically get nominated, but you never win..... It usually goes to some English "thespian" in some weird movie, that Biglou never heard of.....