Biglou will be going to the movies this Friday Night... He will not be in disguise, He will be dressed as Biglou..
Biglou will not be signing autographs. Biglou just wants to go to the movie theater just like all you regular people....
Biglou just want to "blend".. Biglou doesn't want any special favors Biglou will pay for his own ticket and he will pay for his own soda.. There is a rumor that Biglou will even be Buttering his OWN popcorn.... That is going to be hard to believe...Get out your camera phones and take a a picture of that... it might be the last and only time you see biglou and buttering his popcorn...Biglou usually gets 4 pumps of butter on his corn...... Biglou does enjoy his Butter....
Biglou has not decided what movie he will see, and he hasn't decided what Movie Theatre he will go to... Biglou will be going to one of those MEGA movie Theatres..,,, But he hasn't decided which one...

Biglou will probaby see either "Colombian" , or "Our Idiot Brother" or "Apollo 18"..... Biglou is not too excited about the "Colombian"... Biglou doesn't know too much about Colombians...
Biglou is a little excited about "Our Idiot Brother"..... Biglou can relate to the "Idiot Brother" movie....
Biglou also might see Apollo 18....Biglou liked Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks... so Apollo 18 might be 5 times better??????