Someone gave Biglou the movie INCEPTION. They want me to review it. BiglOU will be reviewing the movie INCEPTION..
BIglou wants to thank those that get him movies for FREE to Review.. Biglou accepts all movies.. and is happy to review..
BigLou hopes everyone is looking forward to his review of INCEPTION.
If Biglou likes it. IT can be nominated for a Biglouie. Biglou needs to watch it before the year 2010 ends, if Biglou wants to nominate it for the BigLOUEE...
I have just decided to rename the Biglouie award to the "BigLouEE" award. Double E... Like the train the DOUBLE EE....
So everyone please nominate your movies for the BiglouEE award.
Friday, December 31, 2010
BigLou has been out of the country for the last 2 days,
Biglou just got back from the Cans Films Festival in France. I watched a lot of "Indie" movies. For you novice movie watchers out there "Indie" is short for Independent Film Productions. Meaning they didn't get any funding from the big Movie Production Companies.
BigLou saw 2 good little movies on his new favorite TV station, The Sleuth Channel, it is 154 or 156 on the Brighthouse Network. The first movie I actually saw on DVD a few months back is called NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, starring Tommy Lee Jones, and Josh Brolin. Tommy Lee Jones is not really the star. Josh Brolin is the star. Josh Brolin plays in a lot of good movies that I have seen this year. Biglou never even heard of him until recently, but BigLou sees his name all the time now. He plays in Good Movies.
BigLOu is not a fan of Tommy Lee Jones. Biglou is over his tough guy image. Biglou is over his role in FUGITIVE and and U.S. Marshals, which also stars actor Joe Pantolini who just happens to play in the other movie that BIGLOU saw on the Sleuth Channel. That movie is called BOUND. Notice the way Biglou Tied the 2 movies together. Biglou can usually do that with most movies because of his vast movie knowledge, because biglou is a movie historian, as well as a baseball historian.
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN is about Josh Brolin (I get him confused with Josh Duhamel, not sure of either one of them) finds a whole bunch of money in the middle of the desert or in the middle of Texas. Josh is a country boy and lives in a trailer with his wife or girlfriend. His girlfriend (I don't know who she is, but I have seen her in other movies). Watch this clip...... Anyways Josh's girlfriend is a countrybumpkin sort of girl. Josh Finds all this money and then he does something real stupid, he goes back to where he found the money and the bad guys see him and then they follow and eventually the bad guy kills him. The bad guy kills a lot of people with this crazy machine. Woody Harrelson is also in the movie, and he gets killed too. Tommy Lee Jones does not get killed.
In BOUND starring Joe Pantolini, Joe also has 2 million dollars ( both movies have 2 million dollars as the plot line, amzing how Biglou ties that in too). Anyways Joe has 2 million dollars and he has to give it to his Boss. The Boss is his Mafioso Boss, (sort of like Tony Soprano, Joe Pantolini played in the Sopranos watch this scene with Ralphie from the sopranos).. Anyways Joe has 2 million dollars and 2 Dikes played by Jennifer Tilly ( who now in real life thinks she is a poker player), and Gina Gershon. Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon are the 2 Dikes in the movie.
That sounds real. when was the last time you've seen 2 Dikes like those 2 hotties??? Not recentlly... Anyways the 2 Dikes steal Joe's 2 million dollars and then all mayhem happens. Joe starts killing everybody, But in the end the 2 dikes ride off with the 2 million dollars in a Red Truck
Here is a link to Sleuth schedule so you may be able to see these 2 movies for FREE. Sleuth schedule
So, that is the last movie review of 2010.
Don't Miss next week's Posts. BigLOU will be posting the 5 nominees for the BIGLOUIE awards for the movies Biglou saw in 2010.. Be on the Look.
Please send in your nominees for the Biglouies, Anyone can use the comment section at the end of this posts. BigLou has set up his comment section so anyONE can Comment. ANYONE, you don't even need to be a member, you can be Anonymous... Hello Anonymouse. you can be a little Mouse, a big mouse or anony Mouse.
BigLou saw 2 good little movies on his new favorite TV station, The Sleuth Channel, it is 154 or 156 on the Brighthouse Network. The first movie I actually saw on DVD a few months back is called NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, starring Tommy Lee Jones, and Josh Brolin. Tommy Lee Jones is not really the star. Josh Brolin is the star. Josh Brolin plays in a lot of good movies that I have seen this year. Biglou never even heard of him until recently, but BigLou sees his name all the time now. He plays in Good Movies.
BigLOu is not a fan of Tommy Lee Jones. Biglou is over his tough guy image. Biglou is over his role in FUGITIVE and and U.S. Marshals, which also stars actor Joe Pantolini who just happens to play in the other movie that BIGLOU saw on the Sleuth Channel. That movie is called BOUND. Notice the way Biglou Tied the 2 movies together. Biglou can usually do that with most movies because of his vast movie knowledge, because biglou is a movie historian, as well as a baseball historian.
NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN is about Josh Brolin (I get him confused with Josh Duhamel, not sure of either one of them) finds a whole bunch of money in the middle of the desert or in the middle of Texas. Josh is a country boy and lives in a trailer with his wife or girlfriend. His girlfriend (I don't know who she is, but I have seen her in other movies). Watch this clip...... Anyways Josh's girlfriend is a countrybumpkin sort of girl. Josh Finds all this money and then he does something real stupid, he goes back to where he found the money and the bad guys see him and then they follow and eventually the bad guy kills him. The bad guy kills a lot of people with this crazy machine. Woody Harrelson is also in the movie, and he gets killed too. Tommy Lee Jones does not get killed.
In BOUND starring Joe Pantolini, Joe also has 2 million dollars ( both movies have 2 million dollars as the plot line, amzing how Biglou ties that in too). Anyways Joe has 2 million dollars and he has to give it to his Boss. The Boss is his Mafioso Boss, (sort of like Tony Soprano, Joe Pantolini played in the Sopranos watch this scene with Ralphie from the sopranos).. Anyways Joe has 2 million dollars and 2 Dikes played by Jennifer Tilly ( who now in real life thinks she is a poker player), and Gina Gershon. Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon are the 2 Dikes in the movie.
That sounds real. when was the last time you've seen 2 Dikes like those 2 hotties??? Not recentlly... Anyways the 2 Dikes steal Joe's 2 million dollars and then all mayhem happens. Joe starts killing everybody, But in the end the 2 dikes ride off with the 2 million dollars in a Red Truck
Here is a link to Sleuth schedule so you may be able to see these 2 movies for FREE. Sleuth schedule
So, that is the last movie review of 2010.
Don't Miss next week's Posts. BigLOU will be posting the 5 nominees for the BIGLOUIE awards for the movies Biglou saw in 2010.. Be on the Look.
Please send in your nominees for the Biglouies, Anyone can use the comment section at the end of this posts. BigLou has set up his comment section so anyONE can Comment. ANYONE, you don't even need to be a member, you can be Anonymous... Hello Anonymouse. you can be a little Mouse, a big mouse or anony Mouse.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
One of my sponsors took me to go see the movie FOCKERS today. BigLOU thought the FOCKERS SOCKED The first FOCKERS were funny, The 2nd FOCKERS had a few parts that were funny. The 3rd FOCKERS the one I just saw, had very few parts that were funny.
The only thing going for the FOCKERS is their name. The name FOCKER is funny for a few laughs, but is it funny for 3 Movies??? , that is a long time of being funny over the same joke. If his name was Greg Idontknowwhat, the movie wouldn't even be made.
Another thing going for this FOCKER movie is they have a lot of really famous actors, Robert Deniro, Barbara Streissand, Dustinn Hoffman, Blythe Danner(Mother of Gwyneth Paltrow. Is Gwynette Paltrow all that???) Ben Stiller (Son of Jerry Stiller). Also, appearing in the FOCKERS is the great Harvey Keitel. Harvey Keitel starrred in that classic Quentin Tarantino Movie Resevoir Dogs, which is one the greatest movies of the 90's ...
. it is BigLous favorite Quentin Tarantino Movie, and that is saying a lot because Biglou is a BIG Quentin Tarrantino fan. You need to watch this scene. The one with the great late Chris Penn, who recently passed away. Watch and you will see one of the greatest scenes in the history of movies. WATCH. Also appearing in the Fockers is one of the Wilson Brothers. Also, Good news for all you Vince Vaughn Fans.. Biglou saw about 20 minutes of previews and Vince Vaughn has a new movie coming out in like 2 weeks. and it looks kind of funny.. I hope one of my sponsors takes me to that movie too. And I hope they buy me popcorn again, too.
Also, this Ben Stiller makes a lot of movies too. Who would think he could be a leading man actor.. That could be an E Hollywood Untold Story "How does Ben Stiller Carry a Movie" the E Unbelievable Hollywood Story.
Also the FOCKERS will NOT, I repeat WILL NOT be nominated for any Biglouie Awards.......
The only thing going for the FOCKERS is their name. The name FOCKER is funny for a few laughs, but is it funny for 3 Movies??? , that is a long time of being funny over the same joke. If his name was Greg Idontknowwhat, the movie wouldn't even be made.
. it is BigLous favorite Quentin Tarantino Movie, and that is saying a lot because Biglou is a BIG Quentin Tarrantino fan. You need to watch this scene. The one with the great late Chris Penn, who recently passed away. Watch and you will see one of the greatest scenes in the history of movies. WATCH. Also appearing in the Fockers is one of the Wilson Brothers. Also, Good news for all you Vince Vaughn Fans.. Biglou saw about 20 minutes of previews and Vince Vaughn has a new movie coming out in like 2 weeks. and it looks kind of funny.. I hope one of my sponsors takes me to that movie too. And I hope they buy me popcorn again, too.
Also, this Ben Stiller makes a lot of movies too. Who would think he could be a leading man actor.. That could be an E Hollywood Untold Story "How does Ben Stiller Carry a Movie" the E Unbelievable Hollywood Story.
Also the FOCKERS will NOT, I repeat WILL NOT be nominated for any Biglouie Awards.......
One of my favorite Movies of the year is .............
THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. I don't know why. For some reason the Time Traveler's wife is one of my favorite movies this year. I am not even sure if it came out this year, but I saw it a couple of months ago, so it is now one of my favorite movies of all times. I like the girl in the movie, Rachel McAdams. I think that is her name. I remember her from Wedding Crashers, Starring Vince Vaughn and one of the Wilson Brothers. (Vince Vaughn is in a lot of movies lately. I like Vince Vaughn Movies, but I like it on my DVD at home. I don't want to go see Vince Vaughn movies. Seen his spiel enough. I hope he made a lot of money because his well is running low. Although he probably still has some run left in him.. Not like that girl Katherine Heigl, she better have save her cash becuuse her money pit is soon to be dry. 3 things wrong with her. (A Biglou has seen enough of her. B. BigLou has seen enough of her. 3. Her newness has worn off. and D. She aint getting any younger.).
I didn't like Rachel McAdams all that much in Wedding Crashers, But she was outstanding in the role of Clare in THE TIME TRAVELERS WIFE. The movie goes back and forth in time, it is very confusing, that is what makes it so great.
The ONE big Question I have is....
??? When was the first time she meet her Husband (the time traveler, I forget his name right now), Did she meet him when she was 6 years old in the meadow at her house and he was like 30 years old..
. Or, did she meet him in the library in Chicago when she was like 20 years old and he was like 25 years old.?????? When did they first meet... I would love for someone to comment on that and tell me when.. Please.. and prove it.......
Ok, so THE TIME TRAVELER's WIFE is the first Nominee for the Biglouie Movie of the Year. and Rachel McAdams in Nominated for Best Biglouie LeadActress in a Movie of the year 2010.. We still have 4 more slots to fill for BEST BIGLOUIE Movie of the year.
If anyone out there would like to nominate a movie please feel free to reach me at or just comment at this post. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
BTW, I just added some pictures to my blogging. I think it makes it more interesting. Tell me what you think. It took me awhile to figure out how to cut and past the pictures, so I am really happy with the results.
I didn't like Rachel McAdams all that much in Wedding Crashers, But she was outstanding in the role of Clare in THE TIME TRAVELERS WIFE. The movie goes back and forth in time, it is very confusing, that is what makes it so great.
The ONE big Question I have is....
Ok, so THE TIME TRAVELER's WIFE is the first Nominee for the Biglouie Movie of the Year. and Rachel McAdams in Nominated for Best Biglouie LeadActress in a Movie of the year 2010.. We still have 4 more slots to fill for BEST BIGLOUIE Movie of the year.
If anyone out there would like to nominate a movie please feel free to reach me at or just comment at this post. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
BTW, I just added some pictures to my blogging. I think it makes it more interesting. Tell me what you think. It took me awhile to figure out how to cut and past the pictures, so I am really happy with the results.
Monday, December 27, 2010
And the 2010 Worst Movie of the year is.................
The worst movie of the year by far is.......... I can't believe how bad this movie was. It could go down as the worst movie of the last 5 years.... I paid one dollar to see this movie and I WANT my MONEY BACK.. Highway Robbery. This movie was so lame and SO predictable... I couldn't believe how long it went on. It was like 2 full hours of boredom and predictability. Usually these crappy movies are short and to the point cause the plots are so basic but this movie just kept going on and on and on. At one point I had to asked the person next to me, "When is this movie going to END." It didn't, it just kept going on and on, for some unknown reason....
The movie in Question is LIFE AS WE KNOW IT, starring that over saturated actress called Kaltheline Hagle and Josh Duhamel. Aren't we all about over the Katherine Heigle experiment. She makes the same movie over and over and over again I don't know who is casting her over and over .
They must say we have this part for a girl to find love, and at the beginning she hates the guy, but by the end of the movie she will love him.. And then the Producer says "I know exactly who can play that part, Katherine Heigle. The Director then says, I know she can play that part cause she has played it 20 times before. And then the Studio Head, says "I know she can play that part, cause it is the only part she has ever played. She is brilliant at that part."
The worst movie of the Year, takes place in Atlanta, Katherine Heigle's friends die and she and this guy that she hates have to take care of their friend's baby. At first of course Katherine Heigle and Josh Duhamel hate each other, then they love each other, then they break up, and then they live happily ever after.
That Boys and Girls is the Whole Movie.
This Movie would receive ZERO Biglou's .. You won't laugh, but there is a good chance you will cry....Recommend it to all your loved ones. It would make a great stocking stuffer or it would make a nice log for one of my neighbors fire pit. any one of my 3 neighbors and their fire pits.
Coming Soon will be the Biglouies, a look at 2010 movies of the year. Have you heard of the ESPYs, well now we have the Biglouies.
The movie in Question is LIFE AS WE KNOW IT, starring that over saturated actress called Kaltheline Hagle and Josh Duhamel. Aren't we all about over the Katherine Heigle experiment. She makes the same movie over and over and over again I don't know who is casting her over and over .
They must say we have this part for a girl to find love, and at the beginning she hates the guy, but by the end of the movie she will love him.. And then the Producer says "I know exactly who can play that part, Katherine Heigle. The Director then says, I know she can play that part cause she has played it 20 times before. And then the Studio Head, says "I know she can play that part, cause it is the only part she has ever played. She is brilliant at that part."
The worst movie of the Year, takes place in Atlanta, Katherine Heigle's friends die and she and this guy that she hates have to take care of their friend's baby. At first of course Katherine Heigle and Josh Duhamel hate each other, then they love each other, then they break up, and then they live happily ever after.
That Boys and Girls is the Whole Movie.
This Movie would receive ZERO Biglou's .. You won't laugh, but there is a good chance you will cry....Recommend it to all your loved ones. It would make a great stocking stuffer or it would make a nice log for one of my neighbors fire pit. any one of my 3 neighbors and their fire pits.
Coming Soon will be the Biglouies, a look at 2010 movies of the year. Have you heard of the ESPYs, well now we have the Biglouies.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
So, I saw the movie TOWN starring Benjamin Afleck. I heard a lot of things about TOWN. I heard a lot of good things about TOWN. I heard so many good things about TOWN that I knew it would be hard to live up to all these expectations.
Have you ever met a person from Boston, every movie that takes place in Boston they love that movie. They think that movie is better than slice bread. They think any movie from Boston should be nominated for an academy award. Well let me tell you something, before Benji Afleck and Matty Damon came around with that Bad Will Hunting (I was not a big fan of that movie, Biglou thought it was kind of long and drawn out. Plus I get tired of Robin Williams trying to be all serious).
I didn't like the girl in TOWN, I don't know why, I just didn't like her too much. I've seen her in other stuff, but I can't remember. I don't know her name either. I've also seen the guy who played the "bad guy" in the movie, the guy who was Ben's friend, but I don't know what movie I saw him in either. He always plays that same type of character, that mean, kind of dumb, not a lot of brains, flies off the handle kind of guy. I guess he plays it well, cause, I've seen him do it before. I didn't like the flower store guy, glad he got shot at the end.
And then at the end, what was all that crap about becoming a bus driver?? Wouldn't you just take off your cop uniform and walk out of town, more or less. Would you take off your cop uniform and then put on your bus uniform. I doubt it.
AND one more thing, do you really think he would give all his money to that girl so she could give it to the Boys Club. Trust me, the boys club is gonna get their money, they don't need Ben Afleck to save the boys club.
BTW, Ben was gonna move to Tangerine Florida, which BTW is right outside Apopka, FL up Highway 441 on your way to Mount Dora. I wonder how Ben knows about Tangerine FL.. It is like nothing. There is a little airport up that way, but I wonder how he knows about it. Interesting...........................
Have you ever met a person from Boston, every movie that takes place in Boston they love that movie. They think that movie is better than slice bread. They think any movie from Boston should be nominated for an academy award. Well let me tell you something, before Benji Afleck and Matty Damon came around with that Bad Will Hunting (I was not a big fan of that movie, Biglou thought it was kind of long and drawn out. Plus I get tired of Robin Williams trying to be all serious).
I didn't like the girl in TOWN, I don't know why, I just didn't like her too much. I've seen her in other stuff, but I can't remember. I don't know her name either. I've also seen the guy who played the "bad guy" in the movie, the guy who was Ben's friend, but I don't know what movie I saw him in either. He always plays that same type of character, that mean, kind of dumb, not a lot of brains, flies off the handle kind of guy. I guess he plays it well, cause, I've seen him do it before. I didn't like the flower store guy, glad he got shot at the end.
And then at the end, what was all that crap about becoming a bus driver?? Wouldn't you just take off your cop uniform and walk out of town, more or less. Would you take off your cop uniform and then put on your bus uniform. I doubt it.
AND one more thing, do you really think he would give all his money to that girl so she could give it to the Boys Club. Trust me, the boys club is gonna get their money, they don't need Ben Afleck to save the boys club.
BTW, Ben was gonna move to Tangerine Florida, which BTW is right outside Apopka, FL up Highway 441 on your way to Mount Dora. I wonder how Ben knows about Tangerine FL.. It is like nothing. There is a little airport up that way, but I wonder how he knows about it. Interesting...........................
Friday, December 24, 2010
Today' review will be the inside
Today, Biglou will be reviewing the movie THE INSIDE, starring Ryan Phillippe. Biglou thinks but could be wrong that he was once married to Reese Witherspoon. Biglou does not think she is all that. She is kind of plain. Biglou would not throw her out of bed or anything but he wouldn't drive 2 miles out of his way at 2 in the morning either. She is alright but she aint all that either. She is a lot like Sandra Bullock. They both could play the same parts in the same movie.
If you put Reese Witherspoon as that blonde that Sandra Bullock played, the mother of that black football player in that movie, I can't think of the name of that movie Oh yeah, BLINDSIDE. I didn't even see that movie. They are both kind of the same, not ugly, not all that, not intimidating to other woman, so women can like them too.
Anyway back to the movie THE INSIDE, not to be confused with the great movie starring Clive Owen called the INSIDE MAN. In the INSIDE MAN starring Clive Owen, Clive robs a bank, and then he has to sit in the bank in a hole for 7 days all by himself. Could you imagine just sitting in a hole for 7 days with nothing to do at all, just sit there. Ok, you have some food but you don't have TV, you don't have computer, you don't have books, nothing, just sitting in a hold about 3 feet wide by 4 feet wide.
I'll tell you what, go sit in your room for 1 hour with NOTHING and see how long that lasts. You are not allowed to go to sleep, just sit there, go ahead I'll wait..................................OK, how was that, you were probably going crazy after about 5 minutes.... CLIVE did it for 7 days, and then he walked right out of the front door of the bank... The INSIDE MAN is one the top 5 movies of 2007, it also stars that black guy that I always forget his name.. He is the cop. AS a matter of fact his partner is another black guy who was the black guy in the movie SALT who was shooting at Angelina Jolie for no reason at all.
Here is a question for you.???? There are 4 black guys that play in all the movies when a black guy is needed for a leading part???? Can you name 3 of them for 3 Biglou points???? I'll wait ................
Ok, the answer will be in tomorrows Post.
The Movie INSIDE, starring Ryan Phillippe is pretty good. I haven't seen all of it yet, because I started watching at 11PM last night and I was getting tired. ( I never abreviate the word "night", like 'nite". Everyone does that but I don't. A lot of people don't even know how to spell "NIGHT" correctly.).. Anyway the Movie INSIDE is pretty good, so far Ryan Phillippe is going crazy about thinking he killed his brother, and something about his wife or girlfriend, and stuff. I have to watch the end this morning.. But I am giving it 3 Biglous. I recommend this movie to all my friends.
If you put Reese Witherspoon as that blonde that Sandra Bullock played, the mother of that black football player in that movie, I can't think of the name of that movie Oh yeah, BLINDSIDE. I didn't even see that movie. They are both kind of the same, not ugly, not all that, not intimidating to other woman, so women can like them too.
Anyway back to the movie THE INSIDE, not to be confused with the great movie starring Clive Owen called the INSIDE MAN. In the INSIDE MAN starring Clive Owen, Clive robs a bank, and then he has to sit in the bank in a hole for 7 days all by himself. Could you imagine just sitting in a hole for 7 days with nothing to do at all, just sit there. Ok, you have some food but you don't have TV, you don't have computer, you don't have books, nothing, just sitting in a hold about 3 feet wide by 4 feet wide.
I'll tell you what, go sit in your room for 1 hour with NOTHING and see how long that lasts. You are not allowed to go to sleep, just sit there, go ahead I'll wait..................................OK, how was that, you were probably going crazy after about 5 minutes.... CLIVE did it for 7 days, and then he walked right out of the front door of the bank... The INSIDE MAN is one the top 5 movies of 2007, it also stars that black guy that I always forget his name.. He is the cop. AS a matter of fact his partner is another black guy who was the black guy in the movie SALT who was shooting at Angelina Jolie for no reason at all.
Here is a question for you.???? There are 4 black guys that play in all the movies when a black guy is needed for a leading part???? Can you name 3 of them for 3 Biglou points???? I'll wait ................
Ok, the answer will be in tomorrows Post.
The Movie INSIDE, starring Ryan Phillippe is pretty good. I haven't seen all of it yet, because I started watching at 11PM last night and I was getting tired. ( I never abreviate the word "night", like 'nite". Everyone does that but I don't. A lot of people don't even know how to spell "NIGHT" correctly.).. Anyway the Movie INSIDE is pretty good, so far Ryan Phillippe is going crazy about thinking he killed his brother, and something about his wife or girlfriend, and stuff. I have to watch the end this morning.. But I am giving it 3 Biglous. I recommend this movie to all my friends.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My next movie review will be True Grit...
Biglou will be reviewing the new movie True Grit, and I will also be reviewing the old movie True Grit.
I saw the old movie True Grit many years ago. It had Glenn Campbell and John Wayne. I am not a fan of John Wayne. Tough Guy John Wayne, does not impress me.
I'm not a fan of Glen Campbell either.
The new movie has Jeff Bridges (I am a fan of his) and Matt Damon (He is from Boston but doesn't have that annoying Boston accent. I am also a fan of his.).
So, be on the look for my next movie review of True Grit..
It'll be a 2 for 1 biglou movie review.
I saw the old movie True Grit many years ago. It had Glenn Campbell and John Wayne. I am not a fan of John Wayne. Tough Guy John Wayne, does not impress me.
I'm not a fan of Glen Campbell either.
The new movie has Jeff Bridges (I am a fan of his) and Matt Damon (He is from Boston but doesn't have that annoying Boston accent. I am also a fan of his.).
So, be on the look for my next movie review of True Grit..
It'll be a 2 for 1 biglou movie review.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Town will be Biglou's next movie review.
Hello everyone this is biglou blogging from around the world. I hope this blog finds you well.
The next movie that biglou will review will be the movie "The Town" starring that hated Bostonian and horrible actor Ben Affleck. Before I review I just hope they don't have that HORRIBLE Boston accent. Is there anything worse than a BOSTON accent.. I have to put on subtitles just to understand what the heck they are saying.. Its like watching the darn British. What the heck do they ever say?? I can usually understand the last word they say, and then they ramble on more and I am trying to figure out what they just said, and then I am completely lost. I may as well watch a foreign film from Japan and read the whole darn movie. If I wanted to read the movie, I would have bought the book!!! I always love it when people say the book was better.. NO. I don't think so.. I watch a heck of a lot more movies, than read books.. So that tells you something right there. People usually say when they have nothing to do "Lets all go to the movies". Nobody says "hey lets all read a book together". We have a family tradition of going to the Movies on Christmas Day.. We DON'T have a Christmas tradition of reading Books. People like Movies more than books. That is why this is "biglou's movie review" and not "biglou's book review", but that might be a good idea. But the reason I have millions of followers is because of my MOVIE reviews, not book reviews.. People love the MOVIES.
I haven't seen the movie "The Town" yet, but I can't wait.. I hope someone goes up to Blockbuster and get me that movie, and when they do, they will be blockbuster's first customer of the day.. But when they get me that movie, I will watch and then I will review it. So don't waste your money yet until you hear from me.
Stay tuned and check often for my next review on the movie "The Town" coming to a theatre near you.
The next movie that biglou will review will be the movie "The Town" starring that hated Bostonian and horrible actor Ben Affleck. Before I review I just hope they don't have that HORRIBLE Boston accent. Is there anything worse than a BOSTON accent.. I have to put on subtitles just to understand what the heck they are saying.. Its like watching the darn British. What the heck do they ever say?? I can usually understand the last word they say, and then they ramble on more and I am trying to figure out what they just said, and then I am completely lost. I may as well watch a foreign film from Japan and read the whole darn movie. If I wanted to read the movie, I would have bought the book!!! I always love it when people say the book was better.. NO. I don't think so.. I watch a heck of a lot more movies, than read books.. So that tells you something right there. People usually say when they have nothing to do "Lets all go to the movies". Nobody says "hey lets all read a book together". We have a family tradition of going to the Movies on Christmas Day.. We DON'T have a Christmas tradition of reading Books. People like Movies more than books. That is why this is "biglou's movie review" and not "biglou's book review", but that might be a good idea. But the reason I have millions of followers is because of my MOVIE reviews, not book reviews.. People love the MOVIES.
I haven't seen the movie "The Town" yet, but I can't wait.. I hope someone goes up to Blockbuster and get me that movie, and when they do, they will be blockbuster's first customer of the day.. But when they get me that movie, I will watch and then I will review it. So don't waste your money yet until you hear from me.
Stay tuned and check often for my next review on the movie "The Town" coming to a theatre near you.
biglou's first movie review
Hey everyone, I'm biglou, I am your movie reviewer, Have you heard of Siskel and Ebert. Well now you got a real movie reveiwer "biglou".. Today's movie review is SALT, starring that bombshell Angelina Jolie. I usually like her movies. I really like changeling, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith...I also thought she was good as Lara Craft, the first one. I didn't see the second Tomb Raider. I also never saw Raiders of the Lost Ark(only parts of it on TV). I'm not a big Harrison Ford fan. He did make out a lot better than Luke Skywalker though a.k.a Mark Hamill.
Today's Movie SALT, was horrible.. I knew everything that was going to happen before it happened. I knew she didn't kill the President and I knew who the real bad guy was way before anyone else.
The movie was also the most phoniest action scenes of all time. She jumped from truck to truck and it was so phony. Also, why was that one guy shooting at her. He didn't even know she was a bad guy yet, but he was shooting at her anyway..
So, on my first movie review, I give Angelina Jolie a 2 biglou's on her acting and action scenes. I give the plot of the movie 3 biglou's on plotness and storyline and keeping the audience attention, (although it took me 2 sittings to watch the complete movie. started watching at 10:30pm at night, and by 11pm I was real tired, and the action scene were so hard to believe I was dozing off, so I went to sleep and I watched the rest of the movie with bigal in the morning). I give the movie 1 biglou on originality... I give the movie 2 biglous on direction. I give the movie 3 biglous on supporting cast.
Overall the movie gets 1 and 1/2 biglous on overall movie. I would not recommend to a friend.. But I would tell all my enemies to spend $10 and go see it.. And buy the popcorn too...
Today's Movie SALT, was horrible.. I knew everything that was going to happen before it happened. I knew she didn't kill the President and I knew who the real bad guy was way before anyone else.
The movie was also the most phoniest action scenes of all time. She jumped from truck to truck and it was so phony. Also, why was that one guy shooting at her. He didn't even know she was a bad guy yet, but he was shooting at her anyway..
So, on my first movie review, I give Angelina Jolie a 2 biglou's on her acting and action scenes. I give the plot of the movie 3 biglou's on plotness and storyline and keeping the audience attention, (although it took me 2 sittings to watch the complete movie. started watching at 10:30pm at night, and by 11pm I was real tired, and the action scene were so hard to believe I was dozing off, so I went to sleep and I watched the rest of the movie with bigal in the morning). I give the movie 1 biglou on originality... I give the movie 2 biglous on direction. I give the movie 3 biglous on supporting cast.
Overall the movie gets 1 and 1/2 biglous on overall movie. I would not recommend to a friend.. But I would tell all my enemies to spend $10 and go see it.. And buy the popcorn too...
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